Friday, 18 November 2011

Eek! Eek! Only three weeks to go!

Get your skates on

Hello. If you're still looking for things to do in London, then give the outdoor ice rink in the grand courtyard of Somerset House a bash. The building is steeped in history, and is minutes from the Southbank (across Waterloo Bridge), Theatreland and Covent Garden.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Eek, only four weeks to go!

The Best Man?!

Jonnie seemed a little scared at the thought of being Will's best man....

Uber Bridesmaid Isabell

Elle and Belle hit Paris
Pre-Op Co-Joined twins!


Bride to be left, Bridesmaid Lou 2nd left. Roller Disco didn't know what had hit it!

Go Quackers

I haven't been as Will refuses to go, but I hear it's amazing!

Possibly the best department store in the world

The V&A, an oldie, but a goodie.

Have yourself the best salt beef sandwich

Go to the Tate Modern

For the Northerners

Here follows some of the best things to do in London if you're a first time visitor, or a third or a fourth or even if you live here...

A place to rest your head II

A place to rest your head

A little cartography

A long time ago in a far away galaxy...

Middle Temple Hall Garden View

The Church

Permission Sought

Eleanor Heatley
14 Lawn Terrace
T 07970841266
12 November 2011
Professor Dawn Oliver
Master Treasurer
The Honourable Society of The Middle Temple
Treasury Office
Middle Temple Lane
Dear Master Treasurer,
I write to seek your permission for myself and my partner, Mr. William O’Doherty to marry in Temple Church on Saturday 10th December 2011 at 2pm. I became a member of Middle Temple in 2001. Therefore, it would be a great privilege for us to be married at Temple Church.
Yours sincerely,
Eleanor Heatley